Code of Ethics

Mixline Media LLC Code of Ethics
Last updated August 18, 2022

Mixline Media will perform all Services in the best interest of each Stakeholder we serve — including our colleagues, clients, investors, partners, audiences, consumers, and society as a whole (“Stakeholders”) — in accordance with the Code of Ethics which includes.

  1. We support the principles of free speech, freedom of assembly, and access to an open marketplace of ideas and shall act accordingly.

  2. We will not perform any Service that creates a conflict of interest or violates the Stakeholders' personal ethical standards.

  3. We will not perform any Services that involve infringement of another person’s privacy or property rights or consciously act in any manner involving any such infringement.

  4. We will observe the relevant code of conduct set forth by federal, state, international, and local government agencies as well as any other relevant authority having jurisdiction over the Stakeholders.

  5. We will not perform any work that may directly or indirectly harm our Stakeholders or the general public.

  6. We will communicate the truth in all situations and at all times; our work shall not make any false claims nor knowingly misinform.

  7. We will observe compliance and regulatory standards to ensure consumer data protection in as much as data processing and or monitoring systems are implemented on behalf of our Stakeholders in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

  8. We will respect the dignity of our Stakeholders and society at large in as much as we value individual differences, and avoid depicting or stereotyping people or groups of people in a negative or dehumanizing way.

  9. We will not participate in any discriminatory practice in any form based on race, gender, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or cultural values and beliefs.

  10. We will not produce or aid in the production of any materials that constitute a deliberate or reckless disregard for the health and safety of our Stakeholders or the general public. 

  11. We will take a responsible role in the visual portrayal of people, the consumption of natural resources, and the protection of animals and the environment.

  12. We will not perform any Services that involve infringement of another person’s or group’s human rights or property rights.

We reserve the right to terminate any Agreement and or Services previously agreed upon without prior written notice in the event of Misconduct. “Misconduct” shall mean any material misconduct including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Any conduct that the Mixline Media LLC deems to have violated the Code of Ethics herein;

  • Any conduct involves the use of abusive, threatening, or unreasonable conduct toward Mixline Media LLC or our Stakeholders, whether in person, over the phone, in writing, or through any other means of communication;

  • Any abusive, fraudulent, or unlawful use of the work resulting from the Services we provide;

  • Providing false or misleading information in any form;

  • Any use of the Services or the work resulting from such Services that negatively affects Mixline Media LLC or our Stakeholders, including operations that infringe on consumer privacy, intellectual property rights, or that generate spam, abusive messaging or calling, or results in publication of threatening, offensive, or illegal materials;

  • Any reselling or unauthorized use of the Services or work resulting from such Services.